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Blog Posts (10)

  • We're Back!

    Hello Everyone! It has been at least a month since we've been able to work on the business due to being sick. Thankfully no one in our family had the dreaded COVID virus; however, I (Avanelle) came down with a serious case of Sinusitis that triggered intense migraine headaches. They were so severe! To the point that I could only lay in the bed all day; eat, take medicine and sleep on repeat for the past month. Due to COVID everything was extremely slow from getting in to see the doctor to CT-Scans and finally being able to schedule sinus surgery. It's been 11 days since the surgery, with my health gradually improving. I'm so thankful that it looks like the surgery was successful as there was a chance it wouldn't work. I'm not back at a 100% yet although I am finally able to get out of bed and be around my family. I just wanted to drop a few lines to let y'all know what we've been dealing with over here. Hopefully everyone is staying safe through this crazy pandemic. I've already started the first of many to-do lists. Through all of this I'm so thankful to my parents especially my Mama who has basically taken complete care of me the past month. ​Any who we hope y'all will enjoy the new products we are going to have coming your way in the near future! Love, Avanelle

  • Art is Messy...

    ​​I recently told someone "art is messy and if you're not messy then you probably aren't doing it right." Don't get me wrong being organized is great and can help you create when you're able to see all of your art supplies. However I try to always pick up my work counter before starting a new project, and it just seems to help me work better. Maybe that is just my prerogative because when I'm in my creative process I always seem to make a mess no matter how hard I try to stay clean. Have you ever watched a movie involving an artist, and they show them creating while they are perfectly clean and not messy at all. I always wind up telling the TV "that's not realistic, artists understand that art can be chaotic." That's part of my personality and yes I have a hard time remembering to put things up after I'm finished with it but I am trying to make a conscious effort (but let's be honest it doesn't always happen.) So if you find me in the middle of a creative process it's not pretty: I'll have my hair pulled back out of my face (usually still wet), work clothes on because I always get glaze or clay on myself while working, and no make up (YIKES). Everyone has their own creative process maybe you're organized and don't make a mess while creating, you have an art degree and went to school for design, or maybe you're self-taught, like me, and glean all the information you can from the internet, books or fellow artists. It doesn't matter what kind of artist you are as long as you enjoy what you create. Have fun because art is what you make it and just think that the greatest artist of all created each one of us in His image!!! Love, ​Avanelle

  • Personality Check Anyone?

    In the past I've written our "blog posts" in a much more formal tone; however, that's not me or my personality. I'm a 24-year-old gal who loves Jesus, with a romantic soul who thinks puns are the greatest thing on this earth. I can get so tickled at something that I'll almost make my self sick (which is never a good idea). Christmas is my favorite season and I love Fall; but you won't catch me drinking a 'Pumpkin Spice Latte' or any coffee for that matter as I absolutely abhor it. So if I need caffeine you'll find me with an ice-cold mountain dew, no matter the temperature outdoors! Yesterday marks the start of August and in my opinion that stirs in me the feeling of the weather cooling off, starting to decorate for the Harvest Season and beginning to plan for Christmas decorating. Don't worry though I'm not breaking out the Fall decor totes yet I have some self-control. It may or may not surprise you that I started listening to Christmas music in June and not the new wild music that's so popular the old vintage music sung by Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Johnny Matthis, Andy Williams and Perry Como to name just a few of my favorites. Yes, Christmas is still months away but it's okay because Hobby Lobby already has Christmas decor out and Hallmark Channel has been playing their annual "Christmas in July" programs. It doesn't really matter if they didn't have their decor out or movies on because I grew up with my GrandaMa and GrandaPa listening to Christmas music in the summer. Let's not put the cart before the horse though because I truly do enjoy a taste of every season minus all the issues I have with allergies, if it blooms I'm probably allergic to it! Love, Avanelle PS. ~ I was listening to Christmas music as I wrote this! ​

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